Amber Atherton profile

The Atherton Award

The Atherton Award is an annual prize that aims to recognize and encourage entrepreneurial spirit in young women.

In 2021, British investor and entrepreneur Amber Atherton introduced The Atherton Award with the goal of helping girls turn their ideas into something bigger. From being offered at 1 girls' school in Southern England, to over 30 and counting across the United Kingdom and United States,  the Atherton Award is actively providing thousands of young women the opportunity to participate in entrepreneurship. To date The Atherton Award has recognized over 50 winners and donated over $10,000 in prize money. Numerous winners have since gone on to be accepted to prestigious Ivy League Universities, with their Atherton Award achievement playing a key role in their successful application. 

The Atherton Award gives girls' schools the opportunity to supplement curriculum with a truly entrepreneurial challenge. Students (Ages 11-18) get the chance to explore entrepreneurship as applicants to the award. Award recipients win an investment, trophy, certificate, and access to a private community of national winners where they can access mentorship and events to further their business and career.

In addition to encouraging more young women to become entrepreneurs, The Atherton Award has helped pupils: 

  • Better understand risk 
  • Learn what it takes to build a start-up
  • Develop STEM career skills 
  • Increase one's chances of an Oxbridge / Ivy League University Acceptance

Together we can inspire the next generation of female leaders to dream bigger, take risks, overcome challenges and most importantly, nurture their curiosity.  

"The Atherton Award nurtures the next generation of women entrepreneurs and arms participants with essential skills for navigating life after school. I believe this award can have a transformative role in sparking an interest for young women in STEM and propelling them onto success." – Andy Brittain, Physics teacher & award-winning STEM coordinator at Lady Eleanor Holles School 

Schools That Offer The Atherton Award 

Don't see your school on the list? Support the next generation of budding female entrepreneurs and bring The Atherton Award to your school. 

Get In Touch 


Marlborough, Los Angeles

Marymount, New York



Sheffield High School

La Sainte Union Catholic School

Norwich High School  

Howell's School, Llandaff

The Royal High School, Bath 

Wimbledon High School 

Haberdasher's Girls School


Wycombe Abbey 

City of London School for Girls 

Henrietta Barnet School 

Putney High School 

Croydon High School 

Oxford High School 

The Belvedere Academy 

South Hampstead High School 

Northwood College for Girls 

With special thanks to the GDST & ICGS for their continued partnership

"Sharing The Atherton Award across our global network of girls’ schools has expanded our students' exposure to entrepreneurship. The award empowers young women: to embrace risk-taking, cultivate financial literacy, and develop STEM skills at an early age. Which, in turn, is laying the foundations for a future that achieves gender equality.”- Megan Murphy, Global Executive Director, International Coalition of Girls’ Schools (ICGS) 


The Atherton Award Foundation is incorporated as a Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation 501(c)3, under California Law.