So you want to be an entrepreneur? 

If you're reading this, welcome! You're in the right place to spring board to the next level of your entrepreneurial journey. Hundreds of girls across the USA & UK have entered The Atherton Award, seeking to win recognition for their idea. But this award is not just about winning; it's a learning journey. You might take a step forward to progress your idea and then two steps back, but that's ok! The important thing is you have stepped up to the plate, you have creativity and curiosity, you have found a problem you want to work on, and you're ready to dedicate the time and effort required to make it happen. 


How do I find an idea?

It's worth spending time deciding what you truly want to work on. If you already have an idea, that's great! Get to work validating that it's something people want and figuring out how you'll bring it to market. If you're not sure yet, start by thinking about what your unique insight might be. What subjects do you enjoy? What big problems do you think are facing the world? What do you wish existed? Let your imagination run free in this exercise. It might take you a few weeks or even months to figure this out, and the important thing is to remain curious. Ask questions. Observe people and the way things work. When your mind is open to possibility, inspiration will strike. "Ideas come from curiosity"- Walt Disney    



When you're not surrounded by other entrepreneurs  it can be tough to feel inspired. These books, videos and podcasts can help you stay energized and solve problems along your journey. 

Recommended Listening & Watching  

The Y Combinator website, podcast and youtube is a fantastic resource for all kinds of help! 

The How I Built this Podcast is filled with inspiring founder stories 


Zero to One by Peter Thiel 

The Lean Start Up by Eric Ries

The Hard Thing about Hard Things by Ben Horowitz 

Hooked by Nir Eyal 

Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens by Robert Kiyosaki 

The Rise of Virtual Communities by Amber Atherton


The Application Form

When you're ready you'll be asked to apply for a chance at winning the award. The application form will ask you 4 key questions. Be concise in your answers, but include specific details and consider attaching any additional material that helps bring your idea to life. These attachments might include designs, a pitch deck, a business model, a prototype or a video. Questions you'll be asked as part of your application include.


1) What is the entrepreneurial achievement you would like to be recognised for? 

2) What struggles did you overcome to make your idea happen? 

3) What have you learnt in the process?

4) Where will you take your idea next?


If you have further questions on your application or idea ask your teacher for guidance.